In the weeks 28-31 we are closed due to the summer holidays. Have a nice summer!

+47 62 82 88 28 | |

Anne Beate

Name + age + where you come from:

  • Anne Beate
  • Will be 52 in May
  • Kongsvinger

How long have you worked at Norske Backer:

  • About 13 – 14 years

What position do you have and what do you do at work:

  • Production employee in closing
  • I seal, screw, test, point..

What do you like about the job – do you enjoy it?

  • Yes, I enjoy it here.
  • There are good employees and a good environment.

How did you find and get a job here?

  • It was probably because they needed people here, so I was asked.

What education/background do you have:

  • No, I have 12 years at school, primary school and 2 years of upper secondary school as a cook.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

  • No I have not. Attends a sewing meeting every 14 days, and women’s meeting approx. once a month.

A fun and completely random thing?

  • How many countries have you visited?
    • Four countries
  • What is your favorite fruit? Favorite dish?
    • I guess it’s an orange. There are so many, but especially chicken and meat. Has a homemade chicken stew that is good.
  • Do you sing in the shower? In the car?
    • Not in the shower but singing in the car when I’m alone.
  • What do you listen to in the car? Music, podcast, radio, nothing?
    • Music