In the weeks 28-31 we are closed due to the summer holidays. Have a nice summer!

+47 62 82 88 28 | |


Name + age + where you come from:

  • Sigurd
  • I am 46, but I am turning 47 on October 20th.
  • Holseter

How long have you worked at Norske Backer:

  • For 28 years. Started here in June 1996 as an apprentice.

What position do you have and what do you do at work:

  • I am what is called a construction manager.
  • For my part, a lot goes into calculations, support for sales, I also do some construction work/drawing work. Everything.

What do you like about the job – do you enjoy it?

  • It is a challenging job, I enjoy the colleagues here.
  • It's a bit hectic, constantly, everything is urgent.

How did you find and get a job here?

  • When I studied VK2 in Hamar on the automation line, we had some placement. We were to be placed at the end, and then I ended up at Backer through some acquaintances who knew Backer. Then I applied to see if they would take me in here during my studies, the last half year of it. After that I was offered an apprenticeship.

What education/background do you have:

  • I have a diploma as an automation mechanic, which I got in 1998. I also have what is called a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, which I finished in 2003. From 1998 to 1999 I was in the military.
  • Otherwise, I have only worked at Norske Backer.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any hobbies?

  • I am very happy with everything possible. I call myself an active exerciser. Otherwise, I have three children, so there is a lot of organizing at home. I do taekwondo, me and my son have been doing it for five years, we're up to black belt. Then I run a bit, I also like to go skiing. So that's what the free time goes to, mostly.


  • How many countries have you visited?
    • 15 countries.
  • What is your favorite fruit? Favorite dish?
    • Good oranges at the right season. Hamburger.
  • Do you sing in the shower? In the car?
    • No, I guess I don't. Yes, it happens when I'm all alone. I guess I don't have a singing voice, unmusical as we call it. But I like listening to music.
  • What do you listen to in the car? Music, podcast, radio, nothing?
    • Everything. Lately I've been listening to a lot of audio books, I also listen to the radio. Really listens to everything. But when I must drive long distances alone, I like to listen to an audiobook.