Norske Backer Control Panels are normally IP65 rated minimum. All panels are suitable for wall mounting but can also be provided with frames for free standing.
Panels can link to the Norske Backer range of controllers or can be supplied with their own panel mounted display units. All panels are robust, safe and manufactured from high quality materials.
Nøyaktig temperaturkontroll er avgjørende for moderne komplekse produksjonsanlegg og produksjonsprosesser. I tillegg til industriens høye krav er det behov for enkle og livskraftige produkter til bygg- og anleggsbransjen.
Norske Backer identified this important core process and permanently invests in research and development of new components. An economic and efficient measurement and control technology saves energy, increases safety and the lifecycle of our electrical heaters and systems through measurement, control, monitoring and sensors.