In the weeks 28-31 we are closed due to the summer holidays. Have a nice summer!

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We bought a new, used water jet cutter!

And our old and tired 2011 model Waterjet water jet cutter, that has 9000 hours of use in the backpack, are retiring.

We have decided to invest in a new 2023-model water jet cutter of the same producer as our old one and, compared with the 2011-model, has only run 278 hours. Our old machine was on its last legs, somewhat slow going and needed a lot of services. We bought our new water jet cutter from a bankruptcy estate in Sandefjord.

This investment brings along a lot of advantages, which we are quite happy with!

Reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions

Among other things we will reduce our energy consumption on the pump and cutting unit with approximately 40% compared to our old, retired machine. As all energy production is a burden on the environment, it will always be an advantage to be able to reduce the consumption, and with that reducing the need for energy. By decreasing our energy use with 40% we will contribute to reducing the general demand on power and grid development, which will further save the nature. In addition, it will also release renewable energy that can be used to replace fossil energy in other sectors. Replacing our water jet cutter results in a reduction of our consumption from 45kW at maximum load to 27kW when using machine. The Norwegian Naturvernforbundet mentions several more advantages with reducing the energy consumption.

In addition, our old water jet cutter had an oil reservoir on 183 liters compared to 20 liters on the new one, which will result in reduction of purchasing and replacement of oil with all of 89%. These 89% constitutes a reduction in CO2 emissions with as much as 517,5 kgCO2e! This reduction will also entail that we get lower costs on purchase, in addition to reducing the need for deliveries of oil.

Efficiency and bigger opportunities with the new water jet cutter

As our new water jet cutter is a whole lot more efficient than the old one, we will have the opportunity to take on more and bigger projects. At the same time we will be able to still deliver on the wanted and expected quality and delivery time.

Our mechanical department mainly produce products to be use internally for our various heating solutions. Among other things, this could be skids, junction boxes, controller cabinets or heat exchangers. Having our own mechanical unit right here in Kongsvinger, allows us to produce all our products and electrical heating solutions in its entirety here on SIVA.

Furthermore, our mechanical department also take on straight mechanical projects for our customers. We have made everything from sword boxes for forest machines to screen suspension and security counters for Avinor, as well as many other products! We have our own design engineers on sight, who designs and calculate solutions, so that we can tailor the solution for the customers needs. This is why it is so important for us to have efficient machinery, as we do not have a lot of standardized products, but rather specially adapted solutions. Therefore, the machinery must be adjusted for each and every order we are producing to be correct.

Do you need a tailored electrical heating solution? Or maybe you need a straight mechanical product?

Get in touch, we will help you!