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Sustainability at all levels: This is how we anchor ourselves internally

Hi everyone,

As Sustainability Officer in Norske Backer, I am concerned that everyone in our business must be involved and engaged for us to get the best ideas and solutions.

Because of this we have recently carried out a sustainability crash course for all our employees.We separated the crew into five smaller groups. And I am very happy to announce that our employees already had a good understanding of the topic! So instead, the course became a workshop for and an awareness session about sustainable development in all departments of the company. The course gave basic knowledge about sustainable development and the climate crisis the world is facing. Our goal was not only to increase the awareness in job life, but also in the everyday life for our employees.

We must act now!

After two of the five groups were done with the course, a highly relevant news item showed up in the newspaper. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) publishes a new syntheses report, of which the previous version led to the Paris agreement.

You can read the main finding of the syntheses report here!

IPCC is clear: We have what we need to act. The pace must drastically increase. The choices we take this decade, affect the globe for thousands of years.

This is how we anchor ourselves internally

Another very important task for me is to integrate sustainability in our core business, development and production. Because how can we reduce our climate footprint from production processes, or how can we make our products more long lasting and sustainable? This is the only way for sustainability to be an integrated part of a company’s value basis and strategy.

This is why we now have started our own Sustainability council. The council consists of members from the entire business, with a representative from each department. In this way we wish to anchor and include the whole company.

And I am happy to tell that I got the idea and inspiration from Schütz Nordic, who has created a sustainability forum with the same functions as our sustainability council. It is fun to see the value of including all employees in working with sustainability.

Easy to make suggestions

We are also working on developing an internal digital platform where all employees will have the opportunity to bring forward suggestions to improvement points. Because innovation can begin by one person seeing the need to solve a problem, having a new idea or a wish to improve existing products, services, or processes. This is why it has to be a low threshold to make suggestions.

By including the entire company, integrating sustainability in our core business and having an open dialogue med costumers and suppliers, one can take small steps towards a more sustainable future – steps that at the end might make a significant difference.

This is the reason why I get up in the mornings 😊

Regards from Oda

Oda Beate Lerheim

Sustainability and marketing coordinator

+47 418 47 763

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