In the weeks 28-31 we are closed due to the summer holidays. Have a nice summer!

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The good times continues with an amazing start on 2024!

In December we could proudly inform that we had a record on our turnover during an otherwise turbulent 2023.

2024 continued as the last year finished. We have already the first month of the year gone above our sales budget with all of 20%.

Our sales are increasing, despite the fact that the power grid is not sufficient enough for all companies who hope to go over to electrical heating solutions.

We have several different customers in various branches and industries. We have however seen a small increase in customers within the branches offshore and marine the past year. The focus on electricity in these branches, and in general, makes us look bright towards the future.

A lot of our capacity goes to specialization projects, both big and small. It is a high activity on new projects. Often with new customers we haven’t already had before, and who require a “full package”. This means that we calculate and design tailored heating solutions especially adapted for the customers facilities.

It is a high demand from customers who look into the possibility of going over to electrical industrial heating solutions. Increasingly more companies are affected by demands regarding reporting, electrification, and reduction of emissions. This influence companies to start the process of change, as we clearly notice at Norske Backer. Examples of such demands could be customers who need equipment that are to be used on fully electrified construction sights, or electrical heating of facilities, oil, water or in a process. We are specialized on this, and we can design, calculate and make the vast majority of industrial heating solutions.

Does your company need an inspection?

Contact us, and we will find a solution that fits you!