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Science Based Targets initiative has approved our near-term science-based emissions reduction target!

28% reduction in CO2 emissions in 2023!

After a while with a few hick-ups we are proud to finally announce that we in June 2023 committed to Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), and had our targets approved short time after. We committed as a SME (small and medium enterprises) to reduce our emissions in scope 1 and 2 with 40% within 2030. We would like to make a good example for other companies who also want to reduce their emissions. We at Norske Backer understand the importance of taking action before it is too late, and this motivated us set a science-based target, which we know will contribute to a reduction of the worlds total CO2 emissions.

We at Norske Backer are proud to inform that we have reduced our CO2 emissions in 2023 with all of 28% in scope 1 and 2! With this reduction in 2023 we are already, the first year in, more than halfway towards our target!

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) was established through a collaboration between CDP, United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and World Wide Fund for Nature. SBTi’s goal is to support and show companies and organizations how much and how fast the emissions must be reduced by to avoid the worst climate changes.

An important reason why SBTi was establishes, is that the world governments, through the Paris Agreement, committed to apply measures to limit the global warming to 1,5 degrees above pre-industrial levels. If this is going to be an approachable goal, the emissions must be halved by 2030, and reduced to net-zero within 2050.

The Norwegian government has set a goal to reduce the CO2 emissions with 50-55% within 2030, compared to the 1990-levels. This is a goal we at Norske Backer would like to join working towards to reach. This is why we have committed to SBTi – you should do so to!

Scope 1 and 2

Scope 1 is our direct emissions, in other words emissions connected our own assets. Among other things, this included our company cars and productions. Our emission in scope 1 in 2022 was 85,19 tCO2e, which mainly comes from fossil fuels and various gases used in our production. We have reduced our emissions in scope 1 with 17,86 tCO2e, down to 67,33 tCO2e in 2023.

Scope 2 concerns our energy consumption, that is our electricity and central heating consumption. Even though we produce renewable energy in Norway, there will always be some emissions in conjunction with construction, maintenance, and operations, which are distributed out to the consumers.

In 2022 our emissions resulted in 34,83 tCO2e in scope 2. We reduced our emissions with 16,19 tCO2e last year, and our 2023 emissions was 18,64 tCO2e. The reduction is a result of a thorough investigation of our machine park with necessary upgrades and updates, which has resulted in a lower energy consumption. In addition, we have increased our focus on reducing the consumption of both electricity and district heating, with specified measures to contribute to this. Among other things, we have focused on reducing the heating in our offices, turning of computers and light when leaving for the day, and several smaller measures.

Read more about the different scopes here.

Sustainability strategy and measurement plan for futher work on Science Based Target inititative

We have already planned how we are going to continue our work on sustainable development and further emissions reduction in 2024 in accordance with our sustainability strategy. We will continue the work aligned with our measurement plan that we set for 2023, with the measures we did not reach last year, due to capacity and more necessary investigations on some measures. Additionally, we have added some additional measures we find important to work more closely with in accordance with our sustainable development work.

We at Norske also see the importance of get other industrial companies along for the ride to reduce the total CO2 emissions. Therefore, we have developed the service Backer Switch, in which we can help other companies to reduce their emissions. We can do this by making with the transition from fossil to electrical heating solutions easier, cheaper and less resource demanding. We always strive to find solutions where the company only have to change the decisive part of their machinery, instead of having to replace the whole plant.